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Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also known as acute myelogenous leukemia, is a cancer of the myeloid line of white blood cells.
There is rapid proliferation of abnormal cells which accumulate in the bone marrow.
The abnormal cells interfere with the production of normal blood cells.

All age groups are affected Peak at 60
Poor prognosis : with treatment life less than 1 year.
Die of infection or bleeding.

Clinical Manifestations
A lack of normal white blood cell production leads to infections
A lack of red blood cells causes :anemia
shortness of breath
Decreased platelets easy bruising or bleeding with minor trauma. petechiae.
The early signs similar to those of influenza or other common illnesses
loss of appetite
weight loss
bone pain and joint pain
Pain or feeling of fullness below the ribs.
Painless lumps in the neck, underarm, stomach, groin, or other parts of the body - called leukemia cutis, may be blue or purple.
Painless lumps that are sometimes around the eyes  called chloromas
An eczema -like skin rash.
Enlargement of the spleen
swelling of the gums : infiltration of leukemic cells
Occasionally- no symptoms - discovered incidentally during a routine blood test

Laboratory findings
TC - Very high WBC count - - leukocytosis
Peripheral blood smear : Abnormal white cells - immature cells - myeloblasts
Bone marrow - more than 20% of the blood and/or bone marrow by leukemic myeloblasts
Fluorescent in situ hybridization performed on blood or bone marrow to identify the chromosomal translocation

Medical Management
Two phases:
Induction therapy to achieve a complete remission - with cytarabine and an anthracycline (such as Daunorubicin or idarubicin).

Consolidation therapy to eliminate any residual undetectable disease and achieve a cure  - allogeneic stem cell transplantation

On relapse -
Cytotoxic drugs such as clofarabine
Targeted therapies such as farnesyl transferase inhibitors, Decitabine
Inhibitors of MDR1 (multidrug-resistance protein)
A clinical trial of chemotherapy and ATRA with or without arsenic trioxide.
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) or peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT)
A clinical trial of a monoclonal antibody with ATRA.
Treatment options for relapsed AML are  limited - palliative care.

Nursing Care plan
Thorough hand hygiene before entering the patient's room.
No one with a cold/sore throat shall enter (Reverse Isolation)
Room cleaned daily.
Provide low microbial diet
Eliminate fresh salads and unpeeled fresh  fruits or vegetables
Avoid suppositories, enemas
Deep breathing with incentive spirometer 4 hourly
Ambulate; use good mask
Prevent skin dryness with moisturisers
Meticulous body hygiene and perineal hygiene
Maintain oral hygiene
Balance activity and rest to combat fatigue
Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
IV site care
use moisture-vapor-permeable dressings.
Change IV tubings as stupulated
Provide care through surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and nuclear medicine processes.
Informing patients about their disease and its treatment
Provide emotional support.
Patient education :  advise on what to expect during their stay in the hospital and after they are discharged
Teach them about what drugs they will be taking and the side effects of those drugs, blood transfusions, how to look for signs of infection and bleeding and dietary changes.
Team Nursing and Nursing Documentation improve the quality of care given to patients and their families.

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